Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas is over...

Well, Christmas is finally over. Don't get me wrong, I like Christmas, but I don't like how it starts on Halloween. Since Chris works in retail stores, he forbids the playing of any Christmas music because he's forced to listen to it for 8 hours a day for 3 months.
Our Christmas celebrations started on December 18 when my Dad came to visit on his way to the big family Christmas in Michigan from Oklahoma. We had a great dinner, and Lauren loved seeing her Grandpa.
Christmas #2 was on December 22-23 with my sister and her family in Youngstown. We went to see Jeff play on the 22nd, and unfortunately they lost. We had a Christmas lunch the next day, followed by opening way too many presents. Ryan (Lauren's cousin) really enjoyed herself; she's almost 5 so she's really into Santa and presents.
Christmas #3 was on December 25 (wow, what a concept!). Santa brought stockings for me and Chris, to our house and to my mom's house. We went there for Christmas dinner, just the 4 of us. Finally, James, Rachel and Tenzin came over after their day at the Thornburg family Christmas. More presents, a few drinks and a game of poker later, Christmas was finally over.
We really missed hanging out with the Bilek family, but the trip to Minnesota just wasn't in the cards this year. Hopefully we'll make it to the land of 10,000 lakes sometime this year.
As I mentioned in my last post, thank you so much to everyone all you did for our little family. We love you all!
Oh, and new pictures are in the Kodak Gallery! Lauren had her first experience with tights and shoes...

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