Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Baby Whisperer

I am not a fan of Oprah Winfrey in any way. However, she did have a guest on today's show that I found quite interesting. The topic was "The Secret Language of Babies" and featured a woman who had deciphered five common words spoken by babies 0-3 months all over the world. I was skeptical at first, but Lauren definitely speaks those five words (neh, heh, eh, eair, owh) and they mean what this woman said they did. Of course we figured this out on our own and didn't need to spend the $59.95 on the 2 DVD set. Still, it was pretty interesting.

Nothing much to report today, other than we narrowly averted our first lapse in childcare. I have learned that I need to find a list of babysitters to use when my mother goes to Disney World and Chris has to work. If anyone in Columbus has recommendations for good sitters, please let me know.

We shot some new video that I'm working on getting loaded, so that should be up sometime this weekend. Have a great week!

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