Friday, April 10, 2009

Time for the next big change in our lives: Lauren starts daycare on Monday. We've been fortunate enough to have Grandma Darke in town to provide excellent, affordable care for Lauren since she was born. Now Lauren's getting to the age where she needs to be around other kids so she's not completely socially inept when she goes to real school. Plus, now Grandma Darke gets to look after Evan. And I'm not going to make her try to watch both of them...they're definitely a handful, and besides, she already did this once with her own kids.

So, it's off to Play and Learn Christian Child Care at the Gethsemane Lutheran Church. It's less than a mile from the house, and they had a part-time opening that coincided perfectly with my return to work. Everyone seems really nice and it's actually fairly affordable. I've been a little bit leery about sending Lauren to a relgiously-affiliated daycare, but there really aren't a whole lot of other options out there. It doesn't seem like they'll be pushing religion down her throat.

So, my baby, now the resident "big girl," is off to school. I have to admit I'm worried sick about how she'll do. Much more worried than I am about how Evan will do once I go back to work. Will she play okay with other kids? Does she measure up to them developmentally? We've been in our own little bubble with her until now. Hopefully we haven't done anything that will make her stick out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the kids. We'll just have to wait and see.

Evan is plugging along. We've gone the last couple of nights without a 2:30am feeding, so hopefully he'll sleep through the night before too long. Right now he'll sleep from about 11 to 2:30, then from about 3 to 5:30, and again from 6 to 8:30. Not bad, but I'd love to get him to sleep from 11 to 5:30. I'm trying to keep myself from falling into the bad habit of sleeping with him on the futon in his room. Some nights it's been the only way to get him to sleep (which means I get to sleep), but I don't want to end up like one of those moms on Nanny 911 that's still sleeping with their kids when they're 4 years old.

The baby acne is still around, all over his face, scalp, and now his shoulders and chest. The pediatrician confirmed there's nothing I can do, and did say it will be at its worst when he's around 6 weeks old (next week). I just hope it goes away soon so I can have cute pics without pimples in them. The smiles have also arrived, especially when he sees me first thing in the morning. It's a great way to start the day.

We're looking forward to visits from Chris' sister Brea, my sister Dorie, and our niece Ryan this weekend. We'll be doing the traditional Easter barbecue to welcome them all on Sunday. Hope you all have a great weekend!