Saturday, December 2, 2006

Dr.'s report

Well, Lauren survived her latest trip to the doctor. She is in the 97th percentile for height and weight at 13 lbs, 8oz. and 24 inches long. I guess Chris and I grow 'em big. She also got four vaccinations by injection and one by mouth. I watched the needle go in her leg for the first shot and then decided I couldn't watch it three more times. She screamed and cried and generally looked at me like I was the most evil person in the world. After five minutes she was back to her happy self, though. I guess babies have short memories. Now she's just really sleepy. I actually had to wake her up an hour after her usual wake-up time this morning. Now that's something I never thought I'd do.

Today she'll get to hang out with her Dad for a few hours while I make a trip up to Delaware for some sorority stuff. Then it may be off to Grandma's for a couple hours so we can go out for a bit. It's great to have my Mom in town to help out. We're trying not to take advantage of her too much, but I can't imagine not having anyone to give us a break once in awhile.

On a completely unrelated note, I'm working on getting some pictures uploaded to the Kodak photo gallery. Once they're there, I'll post the link to the right. Then whenever we have new pictures you can check them out there.

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