Monday, September 21, 2009

Really, anyone who still reads this blog needs to get on Facebook. Cause I just don't have the time to update anymore. That being said, I feel guilty that when Lauren was a baby everyone got the play-by-play, but nobody gets to hear squat about Evan. So, let's see what's happened in the last 2 months. I don't even know where to start.

Evan: 2 teeth, 2 more on the way, crawling (more like "the worm," but I still think it counts), definitely sleeping through the night (thanks to nighttime diapers), eating lots and lots of baby food, fits nicely into 12 month clothes. At 6 months old. Loves his walker, so over his saucer. The saucer and the swing went by the side of the road yesterday, and someone picked them up within 1/2 hour. He's still a spit machine, but it's getting better and I've figured out several tricks to minimize the spitting. Probably one of the cutest babies I've ever seen, but thanks to Murphy's Law of Child Photography, it's impossible to get a good picture of the kid.

Lauren: POTTY TRAINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I'm safe saying that since she finally pooped in the potty tonight and learned it wasn't scary. She's even been dry overnight a couple times. That's not consistent, so she still wears a pull-up to sleep, but it's been a joy not changing her diapers. She's moved up to the "Big Birds" class at school and thinks that's pretty cool. And her birthday is this weekend.

Chris: Entered is mid-30s this weekend with a golf outing at Longaberger Golf Course, the top-rated public course in Ohio. Took Lauren to visit the Bileks in Minnesota for about a week.

Deena: Completed my first Master's in Marketing class, and did such a good job my team and I got invited to present to the Chief Marketing Officer and everyone who reports to him. I have some other things in the works as well, but we'll keep that under wraps for now. Got rid of my car and took over my mom's old one when she bought a sweet new car. This way we'll be able to avoid a car payment for another few years.

So, this has still been a pitiful update with no links or pictures. But, Evan has his 6 month appointment on Wednesday and Lauren's birthday festivities, complete with Grandma and Grandpa B, will be taking place over the weekend, so in theory I should have a better post in the near future. Don't hold your breath, though. Sign up for Facebook. Seriously.

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