Thursday, July 9, 2009

Okay, over a month since a post. If you haven't already, sign up on Facebook and be my friend. It's much easier to post a quick snippet every other day than to compose an eloquent (hah!) post on here.

Anyways, life at the Bilek household is moving along pretty nicely. Lots of news on the Evan front:
--We're into a really nice 4 hour schedule, which means sleep from around 8:30pm until 7am, with a brief interruption for feeding at 11pm still. Gotta get that one cut out. Still, I think that's pretty good for a 4 month old!
--Just started a little baby food last week. I know they say to wait until 6 months, but he's the size of a 6 month old now (over 20 lbs.). So far he's tried rice cereal, sweet potatoes, peas and bananas. He loves it all, or at least the novelty of getting to eat like the big people. Oh, and he's completely off the boob now. Woo hoo!
--We'll be switching to the convertible car seat this week. I think the weight limit on the infant seat is 25 lbs anyways, plus Evan hates that thing. He can almost sit up completely unsupported now, so I think it's time for it to go. Hallelujah!
--Evan loves playing in the saucer! He's never really been one for laying down, and now that he has something he can stand up in, he's in heaven.
--Did I mention he's a big boy? He's wearing size 9 month clothes, and an unofficial weighing has him somewhere around 20 lbs. My co-worker's 2 year old weighs 27 lbs. Guess we just breed big babies.

Lauren is still Lauren...curious, happy, and funny. Her vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds, and we laugh just about everyday at something that comes out of her mouth. She loves that the weather is nice so we can take walks to the park or go swimming. Her knees are pretty much permanently skinned, but I guess that comes with the territory. Still no progress on the potty training, though. She did go in the potty a couple of times last week, but I think that was just a fluke. Every mention of it since then makes her scream and cry. Someday, she'll stop wearing diapers. Hopefully.

Our house just underwent an extreme makeover. Well, not really extreme in the classic sense, but it does look different. Chris' mom and sister came down to repaint our entire first floor. After much deliberation over color, we landed on a nice, neutral color palette that still provides some definition to the various "rooms" in our open floor plan. Chris and I never would have gotten it done, and it came down to the wire with the three of them doing it, but in the end it's definitely worth it!

So, that's it in a nutshell. No, no pictures to add yet. Who has time to take pictures?

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