Tuesday, April 1, 2008


This was Lauren's source of entertainment for about an hour yesterday. Yes, a Japanese Ladybug. She watched it and watched it and watched it, which really wasn't very interesting since it was just coming out of hibernation or something. She kept saying, "Bug!" over and over and over again. But she most definitely did not want it touching her in any way. That brought on a bunch of wriggling and "No! No! No!" which was pretty funny for us so we kept doing it. That's not child abuse, right?

You know what else she hates? When you put Mr. Potato Head pieces on the actual Mr. Potato Head. The Easter Bunny brought this bunny verion of the classic spud toy:

Lauren loves playing with the ears and hands, but don't you dare actually put them on the potato.

Ah, the quirks of an 18-month old.

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