Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Is it vacation time yet?

Seriously. This summer has been one of the busiest in my entire life. Every weekend we've had something going on. Last weekend was pretty nice. We went to see The Simpsons Movie. All I have to say about that is Spider Pig. I'm waiting for that movie.

We also had a nice BBQ with the Thornburgs. Other than that, we were busy getting ready for our upcoming trip to Michigan. Yes, people from Ohio can enter that state up north without spontaneously combusting. Although, I'm technically from there, and Chris is from Minnesota, so who knows.

I love vacations. Who doesn't? Well, maybe the Griswolds. But, man I hate packing. Always have, always will. And the traveling that's required to get to your desired destination. Maybe someday they'll finally perfect the teleporter and I won't have to worry about all that. Until then, we get to spend every free minute this week figuring out how to pack enough stuff in my car to sustain 3 people, including one mini-person, for a week. Oh yeah, we have to fit in the car, too. It might end up looking something like this:

Wish us luck!

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