Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What was I thinking?

Sometime about 5 or 6 months ago I remember thinking, "Geez, I can't wait for Lauren to be able to get around on her own." This was obviously the thought of a first-time parent not knowing what she was wishing for. Sometime around the end of June, Lauren started crawling. And that was great. She couldn't really go very far, and hadn't figured out that moving on her own meant she could go anywhere she wanted. Then the light bulb went on. Now, we spend our days following her around saying one or more of the following:
--"No, Lauren." This one is always involved.
--"Don't play in the cat food."
--"Cat litter is icky."
--"Those are Mommy's books."
--"Don't play with the cords."
--"Don't pull the chair over on yourself."

To make things even more fun, she's now figured out how to pull herself up to standing. And she tries to do it on all sorts of inappropriate things, usually those that have wheels or sharp edges. Apparently she likes a challenge.

Her latest accomplishment, other than completely covering her crib and herself in her own excrement (ask Chris for complete details): climbing stairs. So far the record is 5 stairs. Her usual target is one of the cats, who are equally as frightened of Lauren's new mobility as I am. So, I guess it's time to give some more cash to the baby industry for the purchase of some hideously ugly yet completely necessary baby gates and other assorted babyproofing devices.

Now, I can't wait for her to start talking so...oh wait, never mind.

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