Friday, February 23, 2007

Yet another schedule change, laughs, and Vegas

Let's see, what all has happened in the last week and a half? We survived the snowstorm, and the ice that followed. We've now entered the Year of the Golden Pig, and who can forget the fun of celebrating President's Day?

On the baby front, we changed Lauren's schedule again. She's now eating 8 oz. of formula every 3 1/2 hours. Let's just say the little one likes to eat. She's still figuring out her nap schedule, but I think she's going to settle into a 1-hour nap in the morning and a 2-hour nap in the afternoon. She has a new favorite toy: the walker that Grandma bought for her. She likes to roll it down the hallway and pull the night light and air purifier out of the outlet on the wall. She also likes to pick Grandma's fake flowers out of the vase. She can also sit up on her own really well, and will throw a block back and forth with me or Chris. And the best news of all: she's finally laughing out loud. I've officially decided that it's the best sound in the world. She's always been such a happy baby, but it took her awhile to figure out how to laugh.

And the big news for me and Chris: we leave for Las Vegas in 6 days! I can't wait to have a grown-up vacation, never mind that it's in Vegas. I've never been, so I'm looking forward to eating, gambling and drinking. Oh yeah, and seeing Chris' sister, Brea, get married ;)

I'll get some pictures posted before the trip. We'll see some of you in about a week!

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