Monday, February 12, 2007

The Storm of the Century!

Or at least that's what the news people would have you believe. We're expecting 4-8 inches of snow over the next day or so. (Minnesota readers may laugh again at our inability to deal with winter weather). The news coverage went something like this:

1. Catchy new "Tracking the Storm" logo and music.
2. Report from Franklin County snow barn, including information on how many snow plows and salt trucks will be on the road in Franklin County.
3. Report from Delaware County snow barn, including information on how many snow plows and salt trucks will be on the road in Delaware County. Yes, the same story twice.
4. Report on how none of the school districts have closed yet, but will make that decision in the morning. Duh.
5. Story on how people are buying snow shovels, bread and milk. By the way, why do people always buy bread and milk when there's a snow storm? I've never understood this.
6. Report from #2 meteorologist, live from the National Weather Center in Wilmington, OH.
7. Report from #1 meteorologist. The actual information we all wanted to hear.
8. The morning news program will start 1/2 hour earlier to give additional information on the storm. I would be very angry if I worked on this show. As if 5am isn't early enough to go on the air, now they have to go on at 4:30.
9. Repeat the above stories every 1/2 hour. This leaves about 10 minutes for all the other local and national news.

I can't wait for tomorrow's news stories. How much do you want to bet that it'll be the same exact thing?

Sorry, no baby update, just ranting about dumb news coverage.

Oh, and Happy Birthday to me :)

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