Monday, February 5, 2007


Apparently Lauren's doctor is an amateur comedian. "Tiny" is the nickname he gave her at her appointment on Friday. Apparently that's funny when your 4-month old is 26 1/4" long and weighs 19 1/2 lbs. In case you're keeping track, that's off the charts for both height and weight. As in, she's not even in a percentile. But, she's proportionate so we don't need to sign her up for the fat farm just yet. She has a clean bill of health, and had four more shots and one immunization by mouth. Then I took off for the weekend and let Grandma and Chris deal with the aftermath. This will come back to bite me, I'm sure. From what I hear, she did fine, although she didn't sleep very well Saturday night. She's also coming down with a bit of a cold, but I think we all are, given the bitterly cold weather. This morning when I left the house it was -1, and -15 with the wind chill. Almost all the schools were closed due to the cold. (Those of you in Minnesota may now start laughing at our inability to deal with cold temperatures.)

We've got a fun week ahead of us. Chris and I are going to a Columbus Blue Jackets game on Thursday. By this time, we would have normally already gone to several games, but with the baby we just haven't had a chance. So, I'm excited to go watch our mediocre hockey team while Grandma watches Lauren. My birthday's also coming up in a week. It will be my first 29th birthday. One co-worker suggested I just start going backwards from here instead of staying 29 forever. Hard to believe I'm almost 30. That always sounded so old and grown-up, but I don't feel like either of those yet. I guess that's another one of those secrets our parents never told us.

Have a great week!

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