Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Really, I'm pregnant.

I now have pictures to prove it. Today was my first ultrasound appointment, and man was I nervous. I don't remember being this nervous the last time around, but my heart was racing while I was waiting there. Maybe it's because everyone had me freaked out that I was having twins because I'm showing already. But nope, just one little Bilek in there, thank goodness.

I still can't get over how surreal it is to see that little bit of life moving around on the screen. Even though it's grainy and black and white, I could see the little heart beating away and those little legs kicking. It never seems real until you have some sort of tangible evidence, and at this point, I couldn't ask for more. Now I just have to wait 10 more weeks for my next ultrasound to find out if it's a boy or a girl.

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