Monday, July 21, 2008

And baby makes 4.

It may be a little early to make the official announcement, but since we've already told our family and closest friends, and if you saw me you'd probably wonder, I guess it's safe for the internet: We're having another baby! I haven't figured out yet if we're absolutely insane or just really like a challenge.

Let's get the basic questions out of the way:
1. Was it planned? Yes, although we planned for it to take a little longer to actually happen.

2. When are you due? Early estimates from the doctor have March 2 as the due date. I go for my first early ultrasound July 29, and they'll confirm it then.

3. How pregnant are you? 100%. I don't think there are many options either are or you aren't. I'm about 7 1/2 weeks along at this point. Like I said, it's pretty early, but I'm already in maternity clothes. Yikes! They weren't lying when they said you start showing earlier the second time around.

4. Do you want a boy or a girl? Either one's fine with me. We have all the girl stuff, but it would be nice to have a boy to carry on the Bilek family name. I asked Lauren which one she wanted, and she said she wanted either an elephant or a tiger. She had been at the zoo that day.

So that's it in a nutshell. I'm feeling pretty good, but I think that's because I'm going to bed when it's still light outside and making sure I eat every few hours. No morning sickness yet, and according to my doctor I'd have it now if I was going to (please, find some wood to knock on). We're really excited, and started looking through the baby name book over the weekend. I've started trying to explain to Lauren that I have a baby in my belly, and she can even say "baby in belly." The problem is she thinks she has a baby in her belly, too, even though I've tried to explain that in her case it's probably just pancakes.

I'll try to keep this updated, but don't expect many pregnant belly pictures. It's not a pretty sight.

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