Sunday, May 11, 2008

A bunch of unconnected commentary

Lauren is 19 months old and wears a size 4 bathing suit. Seriously. The size 3 was too small. My kid is a freak. A freak who likes to swim, apparently. From what Chris says, she's taking to it like a fish to water. She's not scared at all, even when he dunks her, and she really likes the big slide. No pictures of the swimming adventures since the lessons are during the day, during the week. Eventually I'll actually get to see her in the water and take some pics.

I'm still recovering from my trip to San Diego. It was a great conference and I met some wonderful people, but I'm still too wiped out to figure out what to do next. The Red Bull Air Race was also ramping up right next door to the hotel. It was so cool to see the planes practicing, even if it was a little loud. And the crew likes to party.

Spring has officially arrived. Usually this isn't all that exciting, but with Lauren around, it is. I thought we were over all the "firsts": tooth, word, step, etc. We are over all the major ones, except hair cut and using the potty, but here are some other recent firsts:

1. First popsicle. Orange, all fruit. Lauren says "orange," too, only it sounds more like "oween."

2. First tricycle. Yep, we bought her a trike. She picked it out, after trying out about 4 different models. Despite our best efforts to keep her from being a girly-girl, you can see what she landed on.

3. First ear of corn. She was a little confused about the corn at first, but her first reaction was "Mmm. Num num." Then I didn't have an ear of corn anymore. Next time, she gets her own.

4. First boy kiss on the lips. I thought I had a lot longer to worry about this one, but Tenzin and Lauren had different ideas. Tenzin was over playing this week, and one of us said, "Give Lauren a kiss." Usually that only halfway works. This time, they both went for it. It was cute, but now I'm having nightmares about her teenage years.

Lauren is talking up a storm. I was shocked when I got back from my conference and I was met with a steady stream of words I could mostly understand. I was only gone 4 days! A brief Lauren glossary:
Dog=Woof woof
Juice=Ju...she uses this for anything in a cup, so milk and water are also Ju
Yogurt=Yo yo
Backpack=Ba pa
Shoulder=sho hee
Elbow=Bo bo
Flower=Pow (she's working on this one...she's just figured out how to make an "F" sound, but she hasn't put it with anything else yet)
Car=Cah (think Boston accent)
Yes=Yah (she almost whispers it when she's really excited and wants something)
No=No...with a Minnesota accent
Mom=Mama (it almost has a British accent to it...more accent on the second syllable than the first)
Nap/Sleep=Nigh nigh

I'm sure there are more, and probably lots that we haven't picked up on yet. It's so much fun to actually interact with her. She's at the point where she learns words so quickly. We were working on body parts in the bath one night, and the next morning she had learned all the new words, like shoulder, neck, etc. I think she also knows her colors. A park 2 blocks away has a mini-climbing wall as part of its playground apparatus, and it has different colored hand holds. Lauren pointed to all the blue ones, saying "Boo. Boo."

Grandma Darke says she's learning letters from watching Sesame Street, too. She's always loved books, like her mom and Grandma, so that doesn't come as too much of a surprise. I actually taught myself to read when I was 3. My parents pretty much freaked out when I picked up one of my sister's books one day and started reading on my own. They think I learned it from watching Sesame Street and Electric Company. Who says TV is all bad? I have a feeling Lauren might take this route, too.

One last item. This weekend was Mother's Day, and we went to Cameron's for their Mother's Day brunch. Chris, Lauren and Grandma Darke surprised me with a beautiful pair of diamond earrings. Nothing says, "Thanks, Mom!" like something sparkly :)

Thanks to our moms for all they do! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

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