Thursday, March 13, 2008

Digging Out

As you probably heard, Columbus did end up getting over a foot of snow on Friday and Saturday. The final two-day total was 20.5", the largest single-storm snowfall in Ohio since 1863. As in the Civil War. I didn't realize that the Blizzard of 1978 only had about 4" of snow with it. It's the wind that really makes a blizzard. I learned more about snowstorms this weekend than I ever needed to know because all the local news stations pre-empted normal coverage on Saturday to talk over and over and over and over and over again about the weather. For about 8 hours. It was fun.

Here are some pics from outside out house at about 11:30 Saturday morning. We got about another 6" on top of this.

Needless to say I was glad I have a husband to shovel my driveway :) I'm an indepedent, liberated woman and all, but it's still nice to have a guy to do the heavy lifting. Literally. Chris shoveled on Friday night after about 6" fell, but then had another 14" to shovel once it all ended on Sunday morning. We ended up with some nice piles of snow which Lauren kind of slid down when we went out to play.

So what did we do while we were snowed in? We made Lauren's hair static-y.

And she rode her scooter.


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