Monday, January 28, 2008

Bring on the steak.

Lauren's menu is about to get a lot more variety. Over the past 5 days or so, her first molars have broken through.

Along with the molars came a fever of 102.6 on Saturday, but that was short-lived. I knew something wasn't quite right when she just wanted to sit on my lap and cuddle. Lauren's not a cuddler. It came and went though, and now she's back to her normal self. Of course it feels like the second molars are on their way, too, as well as her canines. At this rate, she'll have a full mouth of teeth by the end of February.

UPDATE: We actually did have steak for dinner. On the grill. In January. It's funny how 45 degrees feels like 75 in the winter. Anyways, Lauren still wasn't having it. Although she LOVED raw onions.

UPDATE #2: Lauren just had to have some of my leftover steak and mashed potatoes last night. No onions, though.

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