Friday, June 22, 2007

Big weekend!

Tonight we'll be going to the NHL Draft at Nationwide Arena here in Columbus. Not sure how exciting watching the draft itself will be, but there's a pre-game concert, food & beer, and all of the NHL trophies will be on display. Plus the tickets were free, so why not?

Also this weekend, the hippie fest known as Comfest. And it's only 3 blocks away from Nationwide Arena. That's right, hippies and hockey fans converge on the same city. Comfest is an annual ritual for us, and I've been going since I was in high school. Ask me about stories sometime and I'll be happy to share...just not on the internet :) We're doing an adult night on Saturday, and the Thornburgs have a babysitter, too, so they're joining us. Then Sunday will be more mellow and we'll take the babies to just hang out on a blanket in the park. The weather's supposed to be good, but keep your fingers crossed!

What else is going on....We celebrated our first official Father's Day with a yummy barbecue and fun with friends. Lauren still has 2 teeth, and we think she weighs about 30 lbs. She's huge. We'll get the official report next week when she goes to the doctor. Other than that, nothing too exciting. I don't have any new pictures of the pumpkin to post. We've been exceptionally bad about taking pictures lately due to our frustration with our 5 year old digital camera, but we'll try to catch some good shots at Comfest. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

James, Rachel and Tenzin said...

I thought we were promised a Comfest update. If this were a class at Albion, somebody would have a C average due to tardiness.