...at least I'm posting something. Things have been a little hectic now that I'm back at work fulltime. Really, everything's the same as it was a week or so ago, except I think all of Columbus is still recovering from the Buckeyes horrible loss to Florida. Let's not talk about that.
Lauren continues to do well. We've moved beyond cereal and discovered that carrots are delicious. And they do interesting things to baby poop (if you want more poop talk, see Tenzin's blog). Today she'll be trying sweet potatoes. I have a feeling she'll like just about anything. That just seems to be her personality. Really laid back, goes with the flow, loves everyone and is generally a great baby. She's still sleeping through the night, although her naps during the day keep getting shorter. Her next Dr.'s appointment is on 2/2, when she'll get more shots and an official measurement.
I think it's just about time to start babyproofing since Lauren is getting
really close to crawling. I'm scared to think what will happen then. Although not having to carry a 20 lb. baby all the time might be nice. Our house is just still very adult, as we discovered last night when we babysat for Lauren's very energetic 5 year-old cousin, Ryan. Chris ran and played with her for hours, during which time she ran into a doorknob, banged her head on the kitchen wall, and bumped her head again on our coffee table. Chris also fell and landed on his face. Luckily no blood was spilled and everyone seems to have survived without any major injuries.
I've realized that there are many things I took for granted before Lauren was born. Don't get me wrong, I love my daughter and wouldn't trade her for the world. I just wish I would have had a greater appreciation for certain things before she was born. Like:
sleeping in. I used to get up around 10 on the weekends, Chris more like noon. Now I'm happy if I get to sleep until 6:30.
grown-up dinners out. I don't remember the last time Chris and I had a nice, leisurely dinner at an adult restaurant just the two of us. Which brings me to the next one.
spending quiet time at home with my husband. We're lucky to get an hour to catch up on our days and watch a little TV before I need to get to bed (you have to go to bed early when you get up at 4:30am).
taking a quick trip to the ___________. This could be the grocery store, to do a little shopping, anything. There is no such thing as a quick trip when you're toting a baby. It requires planning and lots of time to pack her up. You better have a good reason for going!
a spontaneous happy hour after work with friends. Nothing's spontaneous anymore. Planning required.
I'm sure there are others, but these are the ones I think of the most often. I knew my life would change with a child, I just didn't realize how much. Nothing can prepare you for it. If someone had tried to tell me I wouldn't have believed them. Still, while these things are more difficult, they're not impossible. And I have so much more appreciation for them now.
Now then, about the pictures. We're out of batteries for the camera, so until we make "a quick trip to the store" (see above)we'll be a little low on pictures. I swear that I will post the pictures we do have stored by Monday. Really. I mean it this time. Many apologies!