Monday, November 12, 2007

I'm a failure.

Apparently 10 days was all I could make it. Maybe I'll blame it on my rousing celebration of Veterans Day. Of course that would be lying. I just forgot.

To make up for it, some long overdue Lauren pictures!


You may notice that the wings to the angel costume are practically strangling her. It's the only way we could get her to leave them on. The halo also stayed home. We made it to one house.

Getting ready for winter

Chris swears that second picture is Lauren, but I think he actually found a Lauren body double. She doesn't really look like that. Ever. Her hair does look like that most of the time, though. There's too much for it to lay nicely, but not enough to do anything with. Throw a hat into the picture and you end up with Donald Trump. Someday the pigtails will arrive.

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