Thursday, July 19, 2007

Non-baby post...time to rant

For some reason, I have been particularly annoyed by commercials lately. Maybe it's because I can now fast-forward through them if I'm watching something I DVRd (generic term for Tivo). In any case, it seems like advertisers have no idea what they're doing.

Case #1: "Let's go, girls!" and the Stanley Cup
Here's the ad:

I have several problems with this commercial on its own. First, I hate how the woman says, "Let's go, girls!" It's the cheesiest thing I've ever heard. I also hate how all the women take down their hair before getting in a convertible. Any woman who's done this knows the consequent pain of spending hours brushing out tangles like you wouldn't believe. And of course, one lets go of her scarf as they're driving down the road. Right.

What really makes the commercial bad is the fact that I saw it multiple times during each of the Stanley Cup playoff games. Yup. Some genius decided it was a good idea to buy ad time during professional hockey playoffs and run an ad that is clearly aimed at women. Is that really the best use of your advertising dollars? I don't think so.

Case #2: Old ladies sliding down banisters
Sorry, I couldn't actually find the ad online for this one. YouTube, you've failed me! Anyways, this ad is for OsCal, a calcium supplement. You may have seen it during a pricing game on the Price is Right. Anyways, their ad talks about how taking OsCal reduces your risk of hip fracture by 29%. Which is great! Who wouldn't want to reduce their risk of hip fracture. Except then the ad shows a woman sliding down a banister. Judging by the "Mom Jeans" on the woman, she's no spring chicken. Something tells me sliding down a banister wipes away that 29% risk reduction, and possibly even increases your risk for hip fracture. Especially if you're wearing Mom Jeans.

Case #3: Restless legs syndrome or gambling addiction?
Okay, to be fair, this one isn't so much about the ad, but the product. Mirapex is a prescription medication used to treat Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), and sometimes Parkinson's. RLS is this weird condition (which I think I have) that makes your legs have very strange tingly, prickly sensations when you're trying to sleep. I've never heard of anyone going on disability for it or anything (note: I am not an expert in this field). Here's what bugs me. This is straight from the Mirapex website:
There have been reports of patients taking certain medications to treat Parkinson’s disease or RLS, including MIRAPEX, that have reported problems with gambling, compulsive eating, and increased sex drive.

"Wow, it's so nice not to have those pins and needles in my legs anymore. I can actually get some sleep now. Unfortunately, I've gambled away my life savings, lost my house, and now have no bed to sleep in. Thanks, Mirapex!"

In general, I think advertising prescription medications on TV is horrible and makes people think they have problems they don't. I'm sure doctors don't appreciate people coming in because they saw some TV commercial and decided they needed that prescription. That's just my opinion, though.

So, those are my pet peeves. Thanks for letting me rant.

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