Sunday, April 29, 2007

Long time, no write...

Wow, I can't believe it's been almost a month since I posted last. I don't really have a good excuse. The weather's been mostly crappy and we haven't been doing anything fun.

Chris and I both started new jobs. He is now working at Golfsmith, so he's starting to look for a second job to pay for his first one. Just kidding. He's been leery about getting back into retail, but it's working with product he loves and so far it seems to be working out okay. Plus he doesn't have to drive all over Ohio and he's home at a reasonable hour. I'm still at Nationwide, but I'm moving from Marketing to Sales. I won't actually be selling insurance, but I'll be developing tools and processes for our agents to use. I'm excited for a new challenge and a change of pace.

Lauren is still Lauren...happy, funny and chubby. I actually had to cut a shirt off her a week ago because I got her into it and then couldn't get it off. Why they make baby clothes without any stretch is beyond me. She's discovered that Dad makes a great jungle gym, and that the futon is a good place to practice her gymnastics. She's down to two 1 1/2-2 hour naps a day, plus a little one early in the evening. That means there's a lot of free time to fill. Now that the weather is finally doing what it's supposed to, we're able to get her outside a bit.

Speaking of outside, in his week between jobs Chris laid a flagstone patio in our backyard. We (meaning Chris) still need to put some finishing touches on it, and do some additional landscaping, but it's a great addition to our backyard. Thanks to Grandma Darke for ordering way more than she needed to do her own!

Last but not least, it's only a month till we'll be in Minnesota. Everyone put in your order for good weather so Lauren can run around with her pudgy arms and legs hanging out! We can't wait to see everyone.

Check out the Kodak Gallery for new pictures! The other baby is Lauren's boyfriend, Tenzin.

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